Acerca de Advocate Good Shepherd

Política de visitantes

All Advocate Health facilities have a visitor policy in place that helps us ensure safe care. See our visitor policy


Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital is a nonprofit, acute care community hospital in Barrington that has provided high quality, comprehensive, compassionate health care to Chicago’s Northwest suburbs since 1979. We are committed to providing you with the care you need, when you need it most.


Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital offers many of the most advanced technologies available today, from robotic-assisted surgery to pinpoint-precision diagnostic tools. We apply these innovative practices in every area from breast care and heart health to cancer therapies. Algunos ejemplos notables incluyen:

  • We’re recognized with Magnet designation, which is the gold standard by which nursing and patient care is measured.
  • Our cardiovascular surgeons deliver expertise in off-pump open-heart procedures and minimally invasive approaches to surgical repairs.
  • In the ICU, a state-of-the-art electronic surveillance system keeps a watchful eye on patients 24 hours a day and delivers instant communication between physicians and onsite caregivers.
  • We provide the full range of specialty services to address women’s health care needs through every stage of life.

Premios y reconocimientos

Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital received an “A” Hospital Safety Grade from The Leapfrog Group in Fall 2024, a national distinction recognizing excellence in patient safety.

Nuestro viaje Magnet

Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital is designated as a Magnet organization by the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program®. Magnet es una designación otorgada por el American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) a organizaciones que demuestran el logro de la excelencia en la atención al paciente y la enfermería. El ANCC ha establecido estándares que definen la más alta calidad de la práctica de enfermería y la atención al paciente. Los hospitales que solicitan la designación Magnet deben proporcionar documentación escrita y datos de resultados para demostrar que se han alcanzado esos estándares. Después de la aprobación de la documentación escrita de una organización, se programa una visita al sitio por parte de los revisores del ANCC para una valoración, evaluación y verificación adicional.

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