Política e información para visitantes de Advocate Health Care

Estamos dedicados a mantenernos seguros y agradecemos su colaboración cuando visita una ubicación de Advocate.

Algunas de nuestras ubicaciones usan sistemas automatizados para emitir tarjetas de visitantes temporales para que las use durante su visita. Traiga una identificación cuando visite un centro de Advocate.

Visitors are welcome with restrictions at some locations

During this sick season, we’re committed to preventing the spread of infection to our most vulnerable patients.

Locations with restrictions: hospitals, emergency departments, rehabilitation units and facilities, skilled nursing facilities, behavioral health locations, inpatient hospice, infusion centers and certain cancer areas including bone marrow transplant clinics


  • Children 12 and under and anyone with respiratory symptoms should not visit the locations listed above. As an exception, children may visit skilled nursing facilities.
  • We ask that visitors at these locations wear masks in areas where direct patient care is provided and in waiting areas.

General masking information

We ask that visitors at select locations wear masks in areas where direct patient care is provided, in waiting areas and in areas where signs are posted. Patients should wear masks when outside their rooms in these locations. These locations include hospitals, emergency departments, rehabilitation units and facilities, skilled nursing facilities, behavioral health locations, inpatient hospice, infusion centers and certain cancer areas including bone marrow transplant clinics.

Masks are available at all entrances.

Masks are optional in other areas, with these exceptions:

  • Patients with respiratory symptoms should wear masks when in one of our clinics.
  • Las personas deben usar mascarillas en áreas donde se haya identificado un brote viral respiratorio.
  • Los pacientes pueden pedirles a los proveedores, equipos de atención y cualquier persona que trabaje para Advocate Health Care que usen una mascarilla durante su visita. 

Debe autoexaminarse para detectar síntomas de COVID antes de su visita

Agradecemos que todos se autoexaminen para detectar síntomas de COVID antes de ingresar en nuestras ubicaciones.

¿Usted dio positivo en la prueba de COVID en los últimos 10 días o tiene alguno de estos síntomas?

  • Fiebre o escalofríos
  • Tos, falta de aire o dificultad para respirar
  • Cansancio
  • Dolores musculares, corporales o de cabeza
  • Nueva pérdida del gusto o del olfato
  • Dolor de garganta
  • Congestión o secreción nasal
  • Náuseas, vómitos o diarrea

Si la respuesta fue “no”, puede ingresar de manera segura a nuestras ubicaciones.

If you answered yes, consider your COVID testing options or see your doctor.

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