Recursos para dejar de fumar
Encuentre un neumólogoDeje de fumar: estamos aquí para ayudarle, sin costo alguno.
Sabemos que dejar de fumar no es fácil. No tiene que hacerlo solo. Nicotine, the drug found in
tobacco products, is powerfully addictive. Once your body has become dependent on it,
you may need a partner to help you quit.
El programa Freshstart® del Advocate Condell Medical Center y de la Sociedad Americana contra el Cáncer Freshstart© program will
walk with you every step of the way. Our goal is to prepare you for a successful quit attempt
and help you become a former smoker, at NO cost to you. And the benefits of quitting
begin 20 minutes after your last cigarette and continue for decades.
¿Por qué debería considerar este programa?
To ensure your journey to being nonsmoker is successful, our program offers a wide range
of services, starting with screening for tobacco use and continuing with support that helps
- Learn from others who are at different points in their journey – from those hoping to
quit to those who have already quit. - Hacer que el proceso de dejar de fumar sea más fácil desde la comodidad de su hogar.
- Comprender las terapias de reemplazo de nicotina disponibles.
- Trabajar con su médico de atención primaria para obtener lo que necesita para dejar de fumar con éxito.
¿Cómo registrarse?
Email or register online for a session
¿Qué es el programa para dejar de fumar Freshstart?
Over the course of four weeks/four one-hour sessions, you and your Freshstart support
group will learn how to cope with withdrawal symptoms, adopt meaningful lifestyle
changes, understand your nicotine replacement options, embrace patience a
persistence, share your experiences and ideas about quitting, and ultimately successfully
kick the habit.
Su papel como participante
This is an opportunity for you to make an attempt to quit smoking, to learn from other
former smokers at different points in their journey, and maybe help others along the way.
You and your Freshstart group will get the most out of this program if you come to each
meeting prepared to share your experiences and ideas about quitting. You will learn a lot
from the sessions, no matter if quitting is easier or harder than you expected.
Diseño del programa Freshstart
The four sections in the Freshstart Participant’s Guide are all dedicated to the steps you go
through when quitting smoking. You will learn more about these Stages of Change later in
this session. During the group sessions, you will be asked to complete brief written
exercises (activities), which are designed to help you learn and to make the eventual
process of quitting easier. Because the Freshstart program is packed with important
information, it works best if you look over what was discussed after each group meeting.
You will also have space to write more about how you’re feeling as you move through each
Freshstart session.
Otros recursos
La línea de ayuda para dejar de fumar de Illinois se creó para ayudarle a dejar de fumar. Phone support is
provided by registered nurses and smoking cessation specialists trained to help in your
efforts. La línea para dejar de fumar es GRATUITA y puede llamar tantas veces y durante todo el tiempo que sea necesario. Si
more information, visit or call 866-QUIT-YES (784-8937).
Nuestra ubicación
Lung & Respiratory Care - Advocate Condell Medical Center
801 S. Milwaukee Ave.Libertyville, IL 60048Get DirectionsReciba atención
Le ayudamos a vivir bien. Podemos ayudarle en persona o en línea.