ACL injuries can be debilitating, affecting your ability to perform everyday activities and participate in sports. At Advocate Health Care, we’re here to help you understand ACL injuries and guide you through the recovery process.

Our team of orthopedic specialists is here to support your recovery from an ACL tear. We provide the most current treatment and diagnostic techniques, offering a range of options to meet your specific needs and help you make a successful recovery.

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What is an ACL injury?

The image illustrates a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which connects the femur and tibia in your knee joint.

An ACL injury occurs when the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) suffers a strain or a complete tear, as seen in the image.

ACL injury refers to damage to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), one of the key ligaments in your knee  that connects the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). This essential ligament helps you move in different directions and stabilizes your knee during activities involving sudden movements.

An ACL injury, commonly referred to as an ACL tear, can range from a minor sprain (stretch in ligament) to a complete ACL tear, significantly impacting your ability to perform daily activities and participate in sports.

ACL injuries are classified into three grades:

  • Grado 1: The ligament is mildly damaged and slightly stretched but can still stabilize the knee joint.
  • Grado 2: The ligament is stretched and becomes loose, often referred to as a partial tear.
  • Grado 3: A complete tear of the ligament, resulting in knee instability.

Women are more likely to suffer an ACL injury than men, especially in sports that involve quick changes of direction or stress on the knee, such as basketball, volleyball or soccer. This is due to having a wider hip angle and hormonal differences.

Can a torn ACL heal on its own?

Due to limited blood supply needed to assist healing an injury, an ACL tear cannot heal on its own. In some cases, such as mild sprains, the ACL may recover with rehabilitation exercises or rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE). A complete tear usually requires surgical intervention to fully restore knee function and stability. Without surgery, the knee is likely to remain unstable, leading to further injuries and long-term complications.

Causes of an ACL tear

ACL tears commonly occur during sports that involve rapid changes in direction, jumping or sudden stops, such as basketball, baseball, football and skiing. These injuries can also result from direct trauma to the knee or accidents that cause the knee to twist or hyperextend unnaturally.

Factors such as poor conditioning, improper training techniques and inadequate footwear can also increase the risk of an ACL tear.

Symptoms of a torn ACL

If you tear your ACL, you might hear a popping sound, followed by intense pain in your knee and swelling within 24 hours. This is the most telling sign of an ACL injury.

Common symptoms of an ACL tear include:

  • A loud pop or a popping sensation in the knee at the time of injury
  • Severe pain and inability to continue activity
  • Rapid swelling within the first 24 hours
  • A feeling of instability or “giving way” when bearing weight
  • Loss of full range of motion

Diagnosing an ACL tear

To diagnose an ACL tear, your doctor will conduct a physical exam to assess knee stability and swelling. During the physical exam, your doctor will perform specific tests such as the Lachman test or pivot shift test to check your knee stability.

Imaging tests such as an MRI or X-rays provide detailed images of both soft and hard tissues, revealing the extent of the ligament damage as well as any associated injuries to other knee structures like the meniscus or cartilage.

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Advanced treatment for ACL injuries

Treatment for ACL injuries varies depending on the severity of the tear and your activity level. Treatment can include both non-surgical therapies and surgery.

  • Tratamientos no quirúrgicos: For minor tears or sprains, non-surgical options may include physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve its stability, a knee brace to protect the knee from further injury, and modifying activities to avoid stressing the knee.
  • Tratamientos quirúrgicos: For active individuals or those with complete tears, ACL reconstruction surgery is often recommended. This procedure involves replacing the damaged ligament with a graft, which can be taken from your own body (autograft) or a donor (allograft). The graft is typically taken from the patellar tendon, hamstring tendon or quadriceps tendon. The surgery aims to restore knee stability and function, allowing you to return to your previous level of activity.

ACL injury recovery

Recovery from an ACL tear can be a lengthy and challenging process, often taking six to nine months or longer. Post-surgery rehabilitation is crucial for regaining strength, flexibility and balance. A typical rehabilitation program includes:

  • Phase 1 (0-2 weeks post-surgery): Focus on reducing swelling, managing pain and regaining basic knee motion.
  • Phase 2 (2-6 weeks post-surgery): Begin light strengthening exercises and gradually increase weight-bearing activities.
  • Phase 3 (6-12 weeks post-surgery): Continue strengthening exercises, focus on improving range of motion and start more advanced exercises.
  • Phase 4 (3-6 months post-surgery): Emphasize functional training and sport-specific drills, gradually returning to pre-injury activities.
  • Phase 5 (6-9 months post-surgery): Complete return to sport-specific activities, ensuring the knee can handle the demands of your sport or activity.

What happens if a torn ACL goes untreated?

Ignoring a torn ACL can lead to ongoing knee instability, making you more prone to additional injuries, including a meniscus tear. Chronic instability can also hinder your ability to engage in physical activities and increase your risk of developing arthritis. Timely treatment is crucial to prevent these complications and preserve knee function.

¿Es ese dolor motivo de preocupación?

El dolor de espalda, cuello, cadera o rodilla puede causar molestias graves y afectar su vida. Nuestro cuestionario sobre el dolor evalúa sus síntomas y factores de riesgo, y le da una idea de qué hacer a continuación en función de sus resultados.

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