Oncología ginecológica
Encuentre un especialista en cáncerReceiving a diagnosis of any type of cancer may be upsetting. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with gynecologic cancer, we’ll help you manage the journey with compassion and comprehensive care.
We offer cancer treatment at locations across the Chicago metropolitan area so you can find an Advocate Cancer Institute location near you.
What types of cancer does a gynecologic oncologist treat?

Our experts in gynecologic cancers treat all types and combinations of these cancers.
- Cáncer de cuello uterino
- Cáncer de trompa de Falopio
- Cáncer de ovario
- Cáncer uterino
- Vaginal cancer
- Vulvar cancer
Some of the symptoms of gynecologic cancers overlap with each other, such as unusual bleeding, pain when urinating, or unusual vaginal discharge.
Gynecologic oncologists are trained to tell the difference between different sets of symptoms and different results from diagnostic testing. They also identify when such symptoms actually come from other conditions like uterine fibroids.
When should you see a gynecologic oncologist?
You may be referred to see a gynecologic oncologist if you’re diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer or precancerous condition by your primary care physician or OB-GYN.
If you have a family history of gynecologic cancers, you may consult a gynecologic oncologist to discuss your personal risk factors and possible prevention. If you’re anticipating treatments that may affect your fertility, you may want to discuss preserving your ability to have a family.
What does a gynecologic oncologist do?
Our board-certified gynecologic oncologists work with your team of care providers to diagnose and treat all types of gynecologic cancers. They specialize in treatments for the most common and complex cancers that affect the female reproductive system.
Your gynecologic oncologist may perform minimally invasive surgeries or prescribe medical therapies, radiation therapy, and other advanced gynecologic oncology treatments.
Gynecologic oncology treatments
Gynecologic oncologists at Advocate Health Care have access to the latest in cancer treatments and therapies, including:
- Cirugía oncológica: Removes or reduces the size of cancerous tumors.
- Quimioterapia: Uses drugs that attack cancer cells.
- Terapia hormonal: Blocks the effects of certain hormones that contribute to cancer growth.
- Inmunoterapia: Uses your body’s immune system to fight cancer cells.
- Radioterapia: Uses radiation to kill cancer cells.
- Terapia dirigida: Uses drugs that target specific genes, proteins, or tissues that help cancer cells grow.
Your gynecologic oncologist may recommend your participation in a cancer clinical trial, which can provide access to promising new treatments before they become more widely available.
Estamos comprometidos a brindarle atención y a proporcionar los recursos que usted y sus seres queridos necesitan para afrontar un diagnóstico de cáncer. You’ll find a full range of free or low-cost cancer support services available to you, including education, rehabilitation, patient support groups, and nutritional and spiritual counseling.
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