Números de línea directa y recursos web

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Sitios web

childhelp.org This website is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child abuse. Su misión es satisfacer las necesidades físicas, emocionales, educativas y espirituales de los niños abusados, descuidados y en riesgo. Childhelp afirma que enfocan sus esfuerzos en la defensoría, la prevención y el tratamiento, así como en la extensión comunitaria.


http://www.d2l.org is an organization devoted to preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse.

http://www.chicagocac.org/ (Chicago Child Advocate Center) The Chicago CAC provides legal, therapeutic, and medical resources for children and adolescents who are making allegations of sexual abuse in Chicago.

http://www.nationalcac.org/ (National Children's Advocacy Center) This website provides information about how to contact your local Child Advocacy Center.

http://preventchildabuseillinois.org/ (Prevent Child Abuse Illinois) This organization is devoted to preventing child abuse in Illinois.

http://isp.state.il.us/sor (Sex Offender Registration Information) This website gives information about where convicted sexual offenders live so that you can promote safety in your local community.

http://stopitnow.org (Stop It Now!) Stop It Now! previene el abuso sexual infantil movilizando a adultos, familias y comunidades para que tomen medidas que protejan a los niños antes de que salgan lastimados.

http://www.trauma-pages.com/ This is an ocean of resources with a great variety of information about trauma and about the many types of trauma. También contiene información sobre problemas de trauma infantil y adolescente. Vaya a la sección de “Soporte” de este sitio web para obtener una amplia lista de otros sitios web e información sobre trauma.

http://www.ilcadv.org/ (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) This organization is devoted to combating domestic violence in Illinois. Tiene enlaces a recursos locales contra la violencia doméstica.

http://www.icasa.org/ (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) This organization is devoted to combating sexual assault in Illinois. Tiene enlaces a recursos locales contra la agresión sexual.

http://www.rainn.org/ (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) This website gives information about how to prevent abuse and treat victims.

http://www.mosaicminds.org/ (Mosaic Minds) This is a self-help website for people who have Dissociative Identity Disorder.

http://www.isst-d.org/ (International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation) This is an international, non-profit, professional association organized to develop and promote comprehensive, clinically effective and empirically based resources and responses to trauma and dissociation.

http://www.icdl.com/ (The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders) This organization works to advance the identification, prevention, and treatment of developmental and learning disorders.

http://additudemag.com/ This website discusses how to live well with ADHD and LD.

http://wrightslaw.com/ This website states that it is for parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys for reliable, accurate information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities. Puede buscar bibliotecas de defensoría y bibliotecas legales en este sitio web, así como encontrar miles de casos, artículos y recursos sobre muchos temas.

http://add.obrienbusinessgroup.com/ (Attention Deficit Disorder Resources) ADD resources is a membership-based, nonprofit organization that serves both adults and children with ADD/ADHD.

http://www.russellbarkley.org/ This is the official website of Dr. Russell A. Barkley, an expert on adult, child, and adolescent ADHD.

http://www.ldonline.org/ (Learning Disabilities Online) This website gives information on ADHD and Learning Disorders.

http://www.chadd.org/ (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) This website has information for the public and professionals about ADHD.

http://www.addresources.org Attention Deficit Disorder Resources - Videos, podcasts, webinars, screening tests, and articles

http://www.help4adhd.org National Resource Center on ADHD

http://www.teachingld.com Division for Learning Disabilities - Information & Resources for Teaching Students with LD

http://www.ldanatl.org Learning Disability Association of America (LDA)

http://www.a4pt.org/ (Association for Play Therapy) This is an association for professionals practicing play therapy. El sitio web tiene enlaces sobre cómo encontrar a un terapeuta lúdico.



Trastornos de apego
http://www.attachment.org/ This website offers information on adoption/attachment and bonding issues, and Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) as a not-for-profit service to families and professionals.



http://www.pendulum.org/ This website has resources for people with bipolar disorder and their loved ones, including discussion forums, legal advocacy, medications, and research.

http://www.teenhelp.com/ This is a website for teenagers with information on abuse, depression, alcohol abuse, and pregnancy. También hay información para padres de adolescentes en el sitio web.

http://www.nami.org/ (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families. Cuenta con grupos de apoyo para familias y practica el activismo político.

The National Institute of Mental Health provides information on understanding and treating depression.

http://www.frcd.org/ (Family Resource Center on Disabilities) This organization advocates for children and teenagers with disabilities by working with parents and community groups.

http://www.aa.org/ (Alcoholic Anonymous) Alcoholics Anonymous is an informal meeting society for recovering and recovered alcoholics.
www.al-anon.alateen.org/(Al-anon and Alateen) These two organizations have grassroots support for family members of people who abuse drugs and/or alcohol. The website has information on English, Spanish, and French.
http://www.nida.nih.gov/ (National Institute on Drug Abuse) This has information on drug abuse for students, teachers, parents, mental health professionals and researchers.

http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ (National Eating Disorders Association) This organization is dedicated to providing education, resources and support to those affected by eating disorders.

(Renfrew Center) Renfrew Center is a residential center for eating disorders for adolescent and adult women.

http://www.griefnet.org/ This is an internet community designed to support adults, children, and adolescents experiencing grief and loss. Hay listas de correo electrónico y grupos de discusión en línea para personas de todas las edades conectadas a este sitio web.

http://www.howardbrown.org/ (Howard Brown Health Center) The organization is a LGBT healthcare organization in Chicago providing a variety of services to adults and adolescents, including psychotherapy, support groups, domestic violence resources, and HIV/STI prevention. Su sitio web tiene enlaces a recursos y grupos de apoyo en Chicago.

http://www.centeronhalsted.org/ This is a LGBT community center in Chicago providing a wide range of services for adults and youth, including psychotherapy, support groups, legal services, and HIV/STI prevention.

http://www.samhsa.gov/ (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) An agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that provides information about the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.

http://www.parenting.org/ This website has information on parenting for children and adolescents.

http://www.parentingpress.com/ (Parenting Press) The parenting press produces a wide range of written material on parenting, including free handouts and brochures.

http://www.incredibleyears.com/ (The Incredible Years) This is a parenting program for reducing aggression and behavior problems and increasing social competence at home and at school.

http://www.spanusa.org/ (Suicide Prevention Action Network USA) This organization aims to prevent suicide through public education and awareness, community action and federal, state and local grassroots advocacy.
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