Adult Day Hospital
Encuentre un médicoWelcome to the Advocate Lutheran General Adult Day Hospital-Intensive Outpatient Program. The Adult Day Hospital-Intensive Outpatient Program is in its 46th year of commitment to providing excellent behavioral health services and patient care to the Chicago community. We want to commend you for your courage and willingness to take responsibility for your own recovery. Making the decision to participate in the program is an indication of your willingness to be an active participant in your treatment plan and recovery process. El programa será un apoyo significativo para ayudarle a alcanzar la estabilidad en un episodio agudo de enfermedades mentales/problemas de salud del comportamiento. The Adult Day Hospital-Intensive Outpatient Program will also be used to prevent hospitalization in an inpatient psychiatric unit or as a continuation of treatment following an inpatient hospitalization.
Propósito del hospital diurno para adultos
The main purpose of the Adult Day Hospital-Intensive Outpatient Program is to provide short-term intensive treatment in order to:
- Estabilizar los síntomas agudos de su enfermedad mental/problemas de salud del comportamiento
- Mejorar su funcionamiento en la vida cotidiana
- Mejorar su comprensión de las enfermedades mentales/problemas de salud del comportamiento
- Mejorar sus habilidades para afrontar problemas y mantener una salud del comportamiento óptima
- Link you with community supports in order for you to continue making gains you made while in our program in an outpatient setting.
Nuestro equipo
El equipo multidisciplinario del programa diurno hospitalario y ambulatorio para adultos está compuesto por:
- Psiquiatras
- Un supervisor
- Trabajadores sociales clínicos con licencia/maestría en Trabajo Social
- Enfermero registrado/enfermero psiquiátrico con maestría en Ciencias
- Terapeuta ocupacional/profesional con maestría en Ciencias
- Capellán/profesional con maestría en Divinidad
- Administrative Assistant
Terapia de grupo
The multidisciplinary team has advanced training in the field of behavioral health. The Adult Day Hospital-Intensive Outpatient Program consists of group therapies which involve:
- Grupo de establecimiento de metas de tratamiento
- Psicoterapia grupal
- Grupo de educación psicológica
- Grupo de terapia ocupacional
- Grupo de terapia expresiva
- Coping skills building group
- Grupo de educación sobre medicamentos
- Grupo de relajación
During your treatment in the Adult Day Hospital-Intensive Outpatient Program, you will have a Case Manager. The Case Manager will meet with you to provide individual and family psychotherapy. The individual and family psychotherapy session(s) will be scheduled with your Case Manager. Your Case Manager will be coordinating your care in collaboration with you discussing your desired goals for treatment, giving you feedback on your progress toward your desired goals, and assisting you with creating a discharge plan. Further, your Case Manager will have regular contact with you, your doctor, and outpatient psychotherapist as well as provide any required updates with your insurance company. If you do not have an outpatient psychotherapist, your Case Manager and Psychiatrist will assist you with finding a therapist.
Ubicación en el área de Chicago
Adult Day Hospital
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
1775 Dempster St.
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
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